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The Daily Core™

Regular price $1,499.00

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The Daily Core ™ is a completely new patented strength building and aerobic exercise machine.

MAKE YOURSELF COMPETITIVE. Whether it's improving your sport performance, your personal health and fitness, or looking for a low-impact way to get a solid workout in, The Daily Core can help you get there. Activate all core muscles in 10 minutes or less, all while standing. No awkward positions or back pain, and you can be sure you're getting a quality, strategic workout. Regular use will result in improved athletic performance and general function in your daily activities. Use it as a new way to change up your traditional cardiovascular and strength regiments, or as a means to get a quality workout with low joint impact; no matter how you approach The Daily Core, you will get results and more. 
We're so confident in the quality experience The Daily Core provides all athletes that we back up all purchases with our ONE YEAR exclusive performance guarantee
(see terms and conditions).

- We provide personal fitness consultation via Zoom.
- Personal Trainer consultations available at reasonable rates.


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